Unreal Engine – Ultimate Traversal Anims Download For UE (4.25+)

The Ultimate Traversal Anims asset pack is a comprehensive collection of high-quality animations designed to enhance character movement in Unreal Engine. It includes hundreds of motion sequences, covering climbing, jumping, running, and navigating obstacles, with regular updates introducing new features like paired ledge interactions and improved movement sets. The pack emphasizes realism and fluidity, offering in-place versions, root motion options, and compatibility enhancements like UE5 to UE4 retargeting.

You can see the downloadable file list by clicking Ultimate Traversal Anims UE Download.

Pre-Download Product File Details: Everything You Need to Know

The size of “Unreal engine – Ultimate Traversal Anims.rar”, after extraction, is (48.0 MB) And Includes:
  • File Type “.uasset” : Count(280) – Size (47.5 MB)
  • File Type “.umap” : Count(1) – Size (566.4 KB)

you can see a detailed list of all files extracted from the product packages, including their names, sizes, and types from the “Files Included” tab above.

Preview Ultimate Traversal Anims Unreal Engine

Image 1: Variety of Traversal Actions

Ultimate Traversal Anims - Variety of Traversal Actions

Image 2: Comprehensive Categorization

Ultimate Traversal Anims - Comprehensive Categorization

– Ultimate Traversal Anims Features

  • Extensive Animation Library: Over 300+ high-quality traversal animations, including climbing, jumping, sliding, ledge interactions, and more.


  • Root Motion and In-Place Versions: Includes both root motion and in-place versions to accommodate different gameplay needs.
  • UE5 to UE4 Retargeting: Built-in retargeting for seamless use with both UE4 and UE5 character rigs.
  • Variety of Traversal Actions: Covers diverse actions like balance beams, narrow spaces, zip lines, gates, fences, and more for dynamic gameplay.
  • Optimized Transitions: Smooth transitions between animations to ensure realistic and fluid movement.
  • Comprehensive Categorization: Animations are organized into clear categories for ease of use, including movement, walls, ledges, and specialized obstacles.
  • High Compatibility: Fully compatible with Unreal Engine, suitable for a variety of projects and character rigs.
Ultimate Traversal Anims for Unreal Engine
Last Update
December 16, 2024
December 16, 2024
Home Page
Unreal Engine Versions
4.25-4.27, 5.0-5.4

Downloadable File List

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