Unity Assets – Animatext Download v1.2.5 (Text Animation System)

Animatext offers a robust and versatile solution for adding dynamic text animations to Unity projects. With support for both UGUI and TextMeshPro, this tool empowers developers to create engaging and fluid text effects with minimal coding. The system includes a vast collection of pre-built animations, each easily customizable to suit specific needs. Whether it’s crafting intricate dialogues, eye-catching titles, or smooth transitions, Animatext streamlines the process, allowing full control over the timing, execution, and visual impact of text animations. Its flexibility, combined with seamless integration into popular third-party systems, makes it an invaluable asset for game developers and UI designers alike.

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Pre-Download Product File Details: Everything You Need to Know

The size of “Unity Assets – Animatext – Text Animation System v1.2.5.rar”, after extraction, is (4.6 MB) And Includes:
  • File Type “.unitypackage” : Count(1) – Size (4.6 MB)

you can see a detailed list of all files extracted from the product packages, including their names, sizes, and types from the “Files Included” tab above.

Preview Animatext Text Animation System Unity Asset

Image 1: Rich text tags

Animatext - Rich text tags

Image 2: Flexible character combinations

Animatext - Flexible character combinations

– Animatext Features

  • Rich Text Tag Support: Easily trigger text animations using rich text tags, similar to how rich text works in Unity.
  • Flexible Execution Modes: Offers five main execution modes (character, word, line, group, range) to control how text animations are applied at different levels of granularity.
  • 90+ Animation Effects & 450+ Presets: Includes a wide variety of pre-built animation effects, such as bounce, wave, fade, and elastic, with over 450 customizable presets.
  • Customizable Animation Presets: Each preset is highly customizable, allowing developers to adjust parameters for precise control over animations.
  • Controllable Animation States: Allows for runtime control over effect states, timings, and speeds, offering flexibility in dynamic text animations.
  • Extendable Script Support: Provides built-in animation methods for position, scale, rotation, opacity, and more. Developers can modify existing scripts or write custom animations.
Animatext - Text Animation System
Last Update
December 14, 2024
December 9, 2024
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1.2.5 For Unity 2019.4.0+

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